Natya Aerobics – Fitness through dance

Pushpanjali Dance Company is now offering INSET training in a new form of Indian dance and fitness workout which is an easy to do version of various Indian dance forms including the all popular bollywood dance, traditional Bharatanatyam and other dance genres from different parts of India.

Creativity is needed to get children and adults back into physical activity. Natya Aerobics offers a unique approach to keeping active and healthy with a cultural emphasis. The continuous rhythmic, fast-paced movements provide a good cardiovascular workout. Different combinations of dance movements improve concentration and co-ordination along with strengthening, stretching and toning of muscles. Not only do these dances promote general health and psychological well being, they also enhance confidence and self-esteem. The music motivates the spirit of dance and the fun element is apparent to all who take part and watch. Natya Aerobics is an excellent way of encouraging everyone to take up dance as a form of fitness.

These dances have been choreographed with easy yet exciting dance routines in an attempt to bring these energetic and entertaining dances to everyone in a format that is simple to follow.

Natya Aerobics is an excellent non-competitive activity and a fabulous form of fitness. This dance based workout is energetic and lively and could be included in school programmes. Dance is part of the national curriculum, and including this form of dance routines as part of school’s dance or PE programme will help achieve government targets.

Benefits include

Continuing Professional development:

Teachers will benefit from this course by increased skills and confidence in using dance as a form of fitness and exercise and it will also contribute to their CPD.

Increased Participation

Teachers can encourage students especially girls and children from minority groups who do not usually take part in sports and other physical activities to participate in this fun form of fitness.

School events

This course is run by the Pushpanjali Dance Company with an aim to promote the health benefits of Indian dance whilst displaying its grace, beauty and rich history. Teachers and students could work towards performing full dance routines with storylines in the form of school shows and they could also participate in dance festivals.

This one day workshop is designed to give teachers the skills, knowledge and confidence to inspire children to enjoy dance as a form of fitness as well as participate in various dance events.

For further information or to book us for an INSET day:


Prajyoti Madhusudan
Artistic director
Pushpanjali Dance Company
Email​: [email protected]